

List of Grant Awarded General Researches


Since the establishment of the Foundation in August 1974 and the start of awarding grants to research studies for the environmental cleanup and conservation of the Tama River and its basin in 1975, the Foundation has show those studies have been completed. Please click on the fiscal year below to see a list of research themes. You can also input keywords to search The Japan Foundation Center’s Research Topics Database for “Research Themes” and “Research Abstracts.”


2020 250 玉川上水・分水網関連遺構100選の評価と冊子・展示資料の作成
Evaluation of 100 selected remains related to Tamagawa waterway network and creation of booklets and exhibition materials
辻野 五郎丸

Goromaru TSUJINO

Chuo University,Collaborative Researcher
2020 249 玉川上水・本水路護岸に作られた「分水口空間」の環境調査 ―江戸時代に作られた「分水口空間」の知恵をさぐる―
Environmental survey of the diversion port space built on main channel revetments of Tamagawa Josui water channel - Exploring the wisdom of the diversion port space built in the Edo period -
渡部 一二


Design laboratory of Suienspace,Director
2020 247 用水を地域資源として活用するための水利用の歴史―砂川用水を例にして-
History of water use to use irrigation water as a local resource - Using water for sunrivers as an example -
小坂 克信

Katsunobu KOSAKA

Member of the Cultural Properties Protection Council, Tachikawa City
2019 245 玉川上水・分水網の保全と再生とフィールドミュージアム展開に関する調査
Survey on the conservation and regeneration of Tamagawa waterways network and feasibility of field museum

Goromaru Tsujino
玉川上水域研究会 代表

Representative, Tamagawa Josui (Water Supply System) Region Research Group
2019 243 小平市内における玉川上水系分水路網の基礎的環境調査(玉川上水中流域の小川分水と分水路網の残存状況調査)
Basic environmental survey of the network of branched waterways in Kodaira city(Survey on the residual status of Ogawa division and Minutes waterway network in the upper stream of Tamagawa Josui Water Supply System)

Toshihiro Suzuki
学び舎江戸東京エネスコクラブ 水と緑・環境委員会

Manabiya Edo-Tokyo Unesco Club(Water and Green Environment Committee)
2017 234 玉川上水・分水網の構成と関連遺構に関する調査(2)
Structure and Remnants of Tamagawa Waterway Network, Part2
辻野 五郎丸

Goromaru Tsujino
玉川上水域研究会 代表

Representative, Tamagawa Josui (Water Supply System) Region Research Group
2016 226 玉川上水・分水網の構成と関連遺構に関する調査
Research on the configuration and remains of the Tamagawa Josui (Water Supply System) and its water diversion network
辻野 五郎丸

Goromaru Tsujino
玉川上水域研究会 代表

Representative, Tamagawa Josui (Water Supply System) Region Research Group
2014 214 武蔵野台地の風土や課題などを読み解くための散策コースづくりの調査・研究と、それにそった散策会(歴史散歩)の実施
Study and Research on Creating Walking Tour Routes to Understand the Climate and Issues of the Musashino Plateau and Implementing Those Walking Tours (Historical Walking Tours)
福田 恵一

Keiichi Fukuda
小平市立小平第三中学校 社会科教諭

Social Studies Teacher, Kodaira City Daisan Junior High School
2014 210 玉川上水の分水の沿革と概要
History and Overview of Water Diversion of Tama River Aqueduct
小坂 克信

Katsunobu Kosaka
日野市立七生緑小学校 非常勤講師

Part-time Teacher, Hino City Nanao Midori Elementary School
2013 206 玉川上水中流部におけるアライグマと中型哺乳類の生息状況
Inhabitation Status of Raccoons and Medium Sized Mammals in the Middle Stretches of the Tamagawa-josui Aqueduct
片岡 友美

Tomomi Kataoka
認定NPO法人生態工房 理事

Director, NPO SEITAI KOUBOU (Ecology Workshop)
2012 204 土木技術と文化財保護の視点からみた玉川上水再考 -特に福生市域を対象として-
Tamagawa josui canal Reconsideration form the aspect of construction technology and preservation of cultural properties-In particular, targeted for Fussa city area-
吉江 勝広

Katsuhiro Yoshie

Fussa city preservation of cultural properties advisory commissioner
2011 193 日本の近代化を支えた多摩川の水
The Tama River Water that Supported the Modernization of Japan
小坂 克信

Katsunobu Kosaka
日野市立七生緑小学校 教論

Teacher, Hino Municipal Nanao Midori Elementary School
2009 186 交響詩「多摩川の流れは絶えずして138」のコンサート活動を通して環境の啓発活動
Environmental Awareness Activity through the Symphonic Poem “Ceaselessly the Tama River Flows 138”Concerts
仙道 作三

Sakuzo Sendo

2008 177 玉川上水におけるカメ類の分布と個体群構造調査
Distribution and population structure of freshwater turtles in the Tamagawa-Jyosui waterworks
佐藤 方博

Masahiro Sato
NPO法人生態工房 理事

Director of Nonprofit Organization Seitai Koubou
2005 160 武蔵野台地南部の水利用・水配分に関する教材化のための基礎研究
Fundamental Research on water utilization and distribution in the south of the Musashino Plateau, for the purpose of creating educational materials

Katsunobu Kosaka
八王子市立第八小学校 教諭

Hachioji Municipal Daihachi Elementary
2002 138 多摩川流域の石垣調査
Investigation of the stone wall in the Tama River basin
岡崎  学

Satoru Okazaki

Hamura Local Research Association
1999 117 玉川上水の維持管理技術と美観形成に関する研究
Study of Tamagawa Waterworks regarding the Maintenance Control Technology and the Fine Site Formation

Kojiro Eimori

Instructor, Special Engineering College of Kogakuin University
1998 108 玉川上水系の用水の地域に果たした役割に関する調査ー砂川用水の水利用を中心にー
Survey on Canal Water Contribution in the Tamagawa Josui AreaWater Utilization of Sunagawa Yosui

Katsunobu Kosaka

Teacher, Hachioji Municipal Daisan Elementary School
1996 098 明治期の多摩川流域におけるビール業の研究
Study of beer industry in the Tama River basin in the Meiji Era
牛米 努

Tutomu Usigome

Researcher, Tax Museum, National Tax College
1992 075 多摩川中流域の屋敷林の研究-特に玉川上水周辺の屋敷林の構成-
Study of Yashikirin Forest in the middle Tama River--Constitution of Yashikirin Forest near the Tamagawa Josui Channel--

Yoshinori. Akiyama

Teacher, Tokyo Metropolitan Musashigaoka High School